How much is the league?
6-person Leagues - $425, Quads Leagues - $350 (plus online processing fees)
How many people can play?
This is a 6 person league. You must have a minimum of 2 people to play a game (1 guy, 1 girl). Maximum people on a team roster is 10. (Fair warning - only 7 prizes per league are created per season). For more on this and other rules, please see our "6 Person Rules."
What is the female to male ratio for a 6-person & Co-ed Quads team to be legal?
6 players: minimum 2 women
5 players: minimum 2 women
(below also applies to Co-ed Quads Leagues)
4 players: minimum 1 woman
3 players: minimum 1 woman
2 players: minimum 1 woman
What time do games start?
Either 7, 8, or 9pm. Start times vary each week.
When is the last day to get my registration form in?
You can sign up until leagues for your night are full or until the first night of league play has started (the week following clinics).
Can I mail in my registration check?
Yes, but the closer it gets to the start of leagues, the better it is to bring your registration out to Coconut Beach. All checks should be mailed to the address listed on the registration form and made out to Louisiana Pro Beach Volleyball Assoc.